How To Be Fully Responsible For Your Life and Stop Giving Your Power Away

Accepting responsibility is the foundation of high self-esteem, self-respect, and personal pride. Accepting personal responsibility lies at the core of the personality of every outstanding man or woman. – Brian Tracy Are you fully responsible for your life? The more responsibility you take for your life, the greater your chances of success are. Each time …

Myth #1- Human Beings Need To Eat Meat

Nowadays, despite (or maybe because of) the tremendous flow of information we have access too, many people still believe in myths that have been around for years and years. Because what we believe has a huge impact on the way we behave and on the choice we make in our everyday life, it is important …

The Power of Visualization – A Simple Example of How You Can Use Positive Visualization

In this article I would like to show you how to use visualization to achieve your goals. You nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imagined experience and a « real » experience. In either case it reacts automatically to information which you give to it from your forebrain. – Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics Visualization As a …