Category «Motivation»
Why Personal Development Seminars and Books Don’t Work For You

Have you ever wondered why two people can go to the same personal developments seminars or read the same books and get completely different results? In many cases, one person ends up having massive success, while the other one has none. I’ve always found this fascinating, especially when I see so many people struggling to …
11 Signs You Might Change The World

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. – Harriet Tubman Too many people believe that they have no power and can’t make a difference in this world. YOU, however, are different. Something inside …
What “Just Be Yourself” Really Means

Just be yourself Thibaut! How often have you been told these 3 words? They are unhelpful at best and piss you off at worst. Being authentic is a key part of experiencing more joy, better relationships, and an increase in overall success in your life. Due to social pressure and conditioning, however, being your true …
4 Disempowering Beliefs About Money That Keep You Poor

Rich people are… What’s the first word that comes to your mind? Dishonest? Greedy? Lucky? Awesome? Our relationship with money will greatly determine the amount we earn throughout our lives. While there is nothing wrong with being poor (it doesn’t make someone a bad person or mean that they’re a failure), living in poverty …
3 Reasons Why Self-Discipline is Freaking Awesome

“True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline” – J. Adler Mortimer Do you associate self-discipline with pain and constraints? If so, you’re probably missing out on a lot of benefits. In this article I’m going to give you 3 reasons why self-discipline is, in fact, freaking awesome. Are you ready? #1 …
7 Reasons Why You Aren’t Getting The Results You Want in Life
6 Amazing Things You Didn’t Know Your Mind Could Do

Have you ever been blown away by some of the extraordinary feats various human beings have accomplished? What if you could do extraordinary things by harnessing the power of your mind? Does that concept sound too good to be true? You may believe that some people have unique superpowers, but there’s only one difference between …